Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Playing catch up

It seems that I'm not very good at this blogging thing.  I thought I would do a little catching up. 

Got to go see my mom in California in June 2010.  Was there for a about a month and loved every bit of it.  Was able to do the whole beach thing.  Yay!!  I sure do miss me some beach.  Being in Georgia, the beach is hours away opposed to being only 30 minutes where I grew up.  Big difference.  Here is a page I was able to scrap.  I used a kit by Noshay called Colonial and an element out of Janettdesing, kit called Sea.  Not bad for a first page huh?  That's me, my mom and her boyfriend waving.  It was sooo great being at the beach.


In September 2010 we had the awesomeness of moving.  Not.  The last thing to be unpacked was the motorcycle.  Here is picture of the bike being lifted out of the bus.

We did get rid of the bike in the summer of 2011 though.  Hubby thought a boat would be better for us.  Don't know what he was thinking.  Went out a few times on the lake.  Nothing like the wind hitting your face.

Oh before I go, here are pictures of the snow we had at the beginning of the year 2011.  This one is a view of the house.

And the one below is me turning around and taking a view up to the street.   Pretty awesome isn't it?  After we got the car out of the driveway, we parked it up on the street.  Let me tell ya, the walk up this driveway is not an easy one, especially in the snow.  LOL!!  Talk about a work out.

Well, that's all I have for now.   Sorry this post was so long, but you know how us women can get sometimes when we haven't been with friends in a while.

Will blog some more in a few days.

Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for getting back to blogging....Oh that snow gave me a little big of a shiver!!!

